Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Elle Muliarchyk

Images from her portfolio

How nice is this? She's posing with a giant model of a gorilla in a dressing room! She is genuinely too cool for fashion!! This is what she says about her work:

"I came to NYC to become a supermodel :) I enjoyed every second of it until I realized that even though modeling opens the doors for me to a gigantic world it didn't allow me to express my own creativity and sense for beauty. It was so frustrating that I had to be a perfect mannequin, never complain about the choice of clothes or make-up but never suggest or advice anything of my own, since it would unprofessional.

But I found my own revenge on this situation, and a way to let out the frustration, a painfully obsessive hobby. I started sneaking into the most exclusive posh designer boutiques all over the world and taking pictures of myself wearing the most expensive dresses. I transform the dressing room into a studio or a movie set with the equipment and props that I carry in my bag. It is a scary project that keeps my heart racing to the edge of a hear-attack, because I often get discovered, kicked out or arrested. Even though I really try NOT to get caught!


Doing this I become my own photographer, model, art director, make up artist and hair stylist. I can be whoever I desire at that moment a movie star, a Vamp, a Seductress, and own those outrageously unaffordable clothes for a few moments, never having to pay for it!"

(quoted from )


  1. FABULOUS pictures! Love this!

    Great blog; happy I found you!

    Mary xo
    Delightful Bitefuls

  2. Such amazing pics!! the first two ones are my favourite!
    Thanks for your comment on my blog :)

  3. I love the photo with the red dress and the reflections most (:


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