Friday, 30 July 2010

Futuristic layback...

Wearing: Sculpture shirt by TRAFALUC, leggings from Only, plaid shirt from Bik Bok, shoes from some shop in Germany, Midnight blue socks from Falke, bag from Australia.

Ooh.. The story behind these leggings is quite interesting so to say. I bought them after the first fashion show I attended (It was back in 2006 or 07). Since then I haven't worn them (except for once with a bet) because I found them a little bit.. well... too latex like. But! This is changed for today I will wear them proudly! But that will be about it I think..

I'll just go change!

xx, Mikaela


  1. Hellos Mikaela

    First, I like you and you've got such a nice blog!
    I've featured you on my blog BLOG GOSSIP ( ).
    Check it out an follow me for daily new posts of fashion blogs you didn't know before.
    Marina of BLOG GOSSIP

  2. I totally love this outfit! I love the grunge style in it! The pants is so great together with the bag and sweater!!^^ I defenitly going to use this for my inspiration

  3. you look absolutely lovely :) def will be visiting again!

  4. Great pictures those leggings rock I sometimes do that with clothes I bet you are glad you kept them they look awesome on you xoxo

  5. You look so cool, baby! The pants look amazing on you! ;)

  6. Wow. De sidder jo bare super godt på dig! Jeg ved ikke om det er meningen, men jeg kan i hvert fald godt lide deres baggy look. (:
    Rigtig godt stylet med en lækker cropped sweatshirt! (:


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