Tuesday, 17 August 2010


sources: Chad Pitman, tfs, Joe Bonomo, Dazed and Confused, Patrick Houi, Logan White, Joseph Tran, Jessie Craig, Emilya Bay, Gemma Booth, Asos magazine (tfs)

Sorry for the blogging drought over the weekend, but my wonderful and very loved apple keyboard has stopped functioning leaving me panicking here! I wasn't able to write a and s (and you use them all the time!). Anyway - I'm back on track with my old keyboard (from the 80's or something) and will now be posting again. Hope you'll enjoy a bit of inspiration photos :) My collection of all the fashionable images has crossed 2000. Oui oui, verry najs.

xx, Mikaela


  1. You always find the most great pictures.


  2. Underligt spørgsmål.....men kunne ikke få min computer til at køre ind på din mail, ellers ville jeg have spurgt der.....men er du fra Aalborg oprindeligt?

  3. i love all the images you choose for your inspiration´!


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