Saturday, 18 September 2010

Cecilie's wonderful blazer that I oh so love...

wearing: My friend Cecilie's blazer (and scarf in the 3rd photo), vagabond shoes, Zara trousers, Gina Tricot body-stocking
photos: Cecilie

Finally, finally I can post a look of the day post again! My lovely friend Cecilie helped me out with the photos (more to come!) and even let me borrow her blazer and scarf for the photos. She is truly the one to blame for the outcome of these photos, and I've hopefully convinced her into making her own photo blog/website so all of you can see what she does!

Hope you're doing great!

Lots of love,

1 comment:

  1. Ur such a pretty girl!
    the outfit looks gorgeous on you <3
    love, Carlinka


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