Monday, 31 January 2011

Mein Herz tanzt

Wearing: Weekday dress.

I've got a busy week ahead! Copenhagen fashion week starts wednesday so my schedule will be full this week till the weekend where I'll be heading towards Germany to visit family. Can't wait ;)

My boyfriend and I will go away for some days when the winter holiday starts here in Denmark (mid February); he has made me promise to leave my make-up bag at home - ugh.. Seriously - there are so so many girls who look beautiful without make-up but I'm afraid, I'm not one of them. I do have the feeling of waking up without make-up thinking: "Why don't I go without make-up some more?" and as soon as I hit a mirror outside my home, spotting my dreary eyes, I'm like: "That's why!". Oh well, I'll be just fine miles away from my daily make-up routine I'm sure :)

Uha, uha - modeugen er lige om hjørnet, og nøj hvor jeg glæder mig! Onsdag skydes det i gang og jeg glæder mig til de flotte shows, der er i vente. Weekenden byder på en tur ned til familie i Tyskland :)

I vinterferien tager min kæreste og jeg til vestkysten, og jeg har vidst desværre lovet ham, at lade min make-up pung blive hjemme i København. Jeg må ikke, selvom jeg har argumenteret min vej til en læbepomade (sprukne læber skal jo have pleje)! Der er så mange piger, som ser helt fantastiske ud uden make-up, men desværre kan jeg ikke prale af at være en af dem. Nu må vi se hvordan det går :)




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