Friday, 27 May 2011

Details from Stine Goya AW11

All rights reserved, all photos have been taken and belong to me, you must link back if you use these photos.

I had the pleasure of seeing Stine Goya's AW11 collection, The Puppet Ghetto, again at the Stine Goya studio today. This collection is a statement of where SG is as a designer and I personally think that it is an absolutely beautiful collection. Inspired by puppets (the ones above are antique and come from jewelry designer, and SG's good friend, Sophie Bille Brahe) and the theatric world, she created authentic prints that resounds back to the enchanted world of Commedia d'ell Arte. I am in love with all the shoulder pads and of course the hats! If I should choose only one item from the collection to have and to own it would be the beautiful light pink / beige jacket with the thready details. The last two photos are jewelry designer Sophie Bille Brahe's touch to the collection and these golden horses adorned the models as they walked down the catwalk earlier this year (cf. the last photo).

Jeg havde i dag gensyn med Stine Goyas flotte efterår / vinter 11 kollektion, The Puppet Ghetto, som blev fremvist tidligere i år. Det er en utrolig flot kollektion og Stine Goyas statement som designer i form af flotte prints og farver står stadigt stærkt også i denne kollektion. Min personlige favorit af disse må være den rosa / beige jakke med de lækre snor og nitte detaljer. Til showet tidligere i år bar modellerne gyldne heste i håret lavet af smykke designer Sophie Bille Brahe, som for mit vedkommende da byder ind til noget af et sejt DIY-projekt. Kollektionen bar præg af inspirationen af marionetter og teaterverdenen og SG showroom var prydet med fine ting fra netop denne verden. De fine marionetter som ses overfor er antikke og blev fundet på loftet af Sophie Bille Brahe.

Lots of Love,



  1. Puppets are magical and I love Commedia d'elle arte - so it's great to see them used as inspiration here. Beautiful.

  2. You're so lucky !! Great collection :-)

    My blog
    xoxo Michaela

  3. This is beautiful. And shows such a clever continuity to the "Wonderland" theme from the current collection.


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