Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Happy, Comfy, AWESOME Feet!

Emilie's and my slippers :-)

My dear lovely readers,
I'm sure you've been wondering how to get the most comfy feet in the world and I have just recent found the answer. These MAJESTIC slippers from Greece that I got from one of my most amazing friends, Emilie, are the answer to almost any state of foot-feeling!! I probably lost some of you with the self-made word there, but i'll try to define it: Soar feet, cold feet, tired feet, (insert adjective) feet + these awesome slippers from Greece = HAPPY FEET (and we're not talking any penguins here). Actually, my feet were soo happy, they almost got a little crazy. Just in case you wanted documentation of the last statement and see some awesome foot moves feel free to watch the movie below (made by my feet and those soft slippers). :-)
And as to the choice of music - who wouldn't walk 500 miles (+ an extra 500) for friends? :-)

Kæreste læsere,
Jeg var sammen med en af mine bedste veninder, Emilie, i går og vi har en lille tradition med at tage en gave med hjem til hinanden, når en af os er ude at rejse. Emilie, den heldige kartoffel, tog lige 14 dage i Rhodos, men kom hjem med den dejligste overraskelse til lille mig. De mest behagelige, fantastiske sutsko! Ingen overraskelse at nedenstående video pludselig blev et produkt af den dejlige gave!

Lots of feet-dancin'-love



  1. haha i LOVE THOSE! Some of the coolest slippers I've seen as of late

    PvdH -designer and illustrator

  2. jeg har selv haft et par filtede sutsko - det er bare det mest behagelige i verden! og hvor er de sjove :)

    knus, Marie My fra


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