Thursday, 6 October 2011

a day with MUUSE

Some of the garments needed help when dressing the model, Maja Francisca.
Der skulle hjælp til at klæde modellen på til nogle af de vilde kreationer.

Skønne Christianna, som stod bag styling og make-up men er til daglig PR ansvarlig hos MUUSE.

MUUSE's Aleksandra had to go to Milan for a meeting and (possibly) chose this beautiful dress.
All rights reserved.

All the clothes designed by Nathalie Fordeyn

Monday I went to visit MUUSE in Copenhagen, which is a newly started fashion company in Denmark, who take newly educated designers from the best design schools around the world and help them produce their clothes and distribute their creations to all of us fashion lovers. When Christianna wrote to me about their concept and projects I was completely thrilled - it's such a good concept! I mean, design students have so much to bring to the table - a completely new way of perceiving fashion in a very unaffected, artistic way. Why shouldn't it be available to buy? They invited me in to see a photo shoot they were doing of Royal Academy of Antwerp graduate Nathalie Fordeyn's creations, and it was really interesting! Her clothes has a strike of surrealism and knows no bounderies when it comes to silhouettes - all in all a very inspiring day.

Remember to check out MUUSE's blog MUUSINGS... where you can read more about this shoot and get behind the thoughts of the designers affiliated with MUUSE. :)

I mandags var jeg på besøg hos et nyopstartet modehus, MUUSE, som tager nyuddannede designere fra de bedste designskoler verden rundt og gør det muligt for mode-elskere at få fingrene i de kreative sager. Shootet som der er lidt backstage billeder fra ovenover, er af designeren Nathalie Fordeyn's kreationer, som inddrager surrealisme i et moderne univers, der ikke kender grænser, når det kommer til silhuetter. Jeg kan varmt anbefale at kigge ind på MUUSEs blog, MUUSINGS... hvor I kan læse mere om dagen og andre begivenheder samt interviews hos MUUSE :)

Lots of love,


  1. You are so lucky this looks like so much fun! The photos are great, a lovely insight into a photoshoot.

  2. lovely photos! I like it!




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