Monday, 17 October 2011

Fancy Feet

Photos by me. All rights reserved.

Wondering what fancy shoes should adorn your pretty feet throughout this winter's parties? Last week I was invited to see Bianco's release of their party collection, filled with glitter, sparkle and of course this season's most beloved trend: snakeskin. I got myself a pair of lovely stilletoes - pictures will come! Sorry, that the blog has been hibernating a little this week - my internet and I have not been getting along. This post, for a matter of fact, wasn't possible if my dad hadn't generously lend me his computer for a short period of time - on goes all the data and before we know it - fancy posts! I'm in! :) Hope you've had a great W-end!

Lots of love,


  1. I'm in love with those snakeskin's!!

  2. Omg, the first pair is amazing!!! Perfect glitter shoes <3

  3. The first pair!!!! How much? I need them, haha

  4. i love the glittery shoes - look like the new miu miu ones x


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