Monday, 31 October 2011

Nothing Relevant

Wearing: Vintage shirt, Vila Luxe crossover bag, H&M imitated leather jacket.

Hello greaties!

I wanted to load some more press day photos here, but having been out all day, I've been way too exhausted to proceed with editing the images. Soon to come! :-) Here's a photo I never got to show you during late summer. It's been taken in the area where I lived shortly during summer - it was such a beautiful place, though a bit too far away from life and friends. There were outfit shots of this, but they didn't come out good, even though the lighting and the location was incredible.

I hope you started this week of with an amazing day!



  1. love the jacket and blouse so wonderful the colors are amazing

  2. You look so beautiful on that picture. Too bad the others didn't work out well! XO

  3. Hi there!
    I just found your blog and wanted you to know that I loved it!
    So I'll be following!

    Love, pi* =)

  4. wow! really pretty shot! We could actually go to Dresden as I have grand-parents there but it´s actually not really that cool , the only things really amazing are the flea market , the beauty of the city , the newer part of it (cafés , art , galleries , bookshops , some independent boutiques) and the fact that it´s quite near to berlin ;)

  5. I love this outfit and your photo editing, very subtle.


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