Saturday, 8 October 2011

On my Eyes

You might remember me trying out a Wet'n'Wild eyeshadow a while back. Polhem kindly sent me one of the same kind but in brown and neutral colours. The first photo is a photo from back then - very dramatic, party like and the two bottom ones is the brown one. I'm going to say it again: I'm a derb when it comes to varying make-up looks - I like it simple. Eyeliner, mascara, a little rouge and some lipbalm and I'm ready! That's what I wear on my face, no matter the occaision. But these eyeshadows sure make it tempting to go and try a new look, making it so easy to apply (the box and the eyshadow says where the specific eyeshadows should go). And if you, like me, don't want to spend a lot of money on makeup you don't wear every day, this is a great option. :)

Kan I huske, at jeg for noget tid siden prøvede nogle Wet'n'Wild øjenskygger? Indlægget kan findes her. De var så søde at sende mig en af samme slags, blot i brune og mere neutrale farver. Det øverste billede er fra den første øjenskygge de sendte, og de to sidste med den brune øjenskygge. Synes det er super fint, når man er lidt fumlet over sine make-up vaner, at der bare står, hvor make-uppen skal lægges! :)

Lots of love,


  1. Din skjorte er så flot, den står så fint til dit hår!

  2. Well with those eyes, everything looks gorgeous:) I love both shades, you applied them perfectly.

  3. beautiful.^^
    my blog♥mfashionfreak

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  4. Ahhh jeg elsker det! Måske skulle man lege lidt oftere med makeuppen...

  5. Wow, you look amazing! I love both shades, but I prefer the bottom one :)

  6. I just love these shots! you are so talented ! :)
    can´t wait to see you again!
    miss you a lot!

  7. that eye shadow look amazing on you!

  8. I think you're beautiful, so glad you did a makeup post. It's so so pretty!

  9. WOWWWWW I love the first eyeshadow but I have to say the the new one more natural it's so nice too!!! I love your PICTURES!!!


  10. lovely eyeshadow!

    - True


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