Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Laugenes Annual Show 2011 - Details

Dress designed by Rosa Emilie
Dress by Michelle Wadskjær
Sten Martin - Facebook page
Beautiful jewelry from Bærbart
All photos by me. All rights reserved.

I've just gotten back from the Laugenes show - an annual event where true craftsmanship is being honored. There were very beautiful pieces and it was gorgeous on the models in Moltke's Palace. I hope you'll check out some of these amazing designers, tailors, jewelers etc. - they truly know what they're doing! Check the backstage photos here :)

Lots of love,


  1. I love the green dress covered in black lace. So chic :)

    Castle Fashion

  2. This is so interesting, the textures are lovely and the last photo reminds me of the court of Louis XVI

  3. Så pæne billeder, som altid!

  4. Super lækkert indlæg! Dit link på RosaEmilie er i stykker, men du kan læse mere om hende her: http://rosaemilie.dk/ ;)


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