Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Embracing a new look

I feel I should share my newest accessory with you. Yesterday I got braces. Everywhere. Before I had only had it in the sides of my teeth, but now there's no way around it. Believe me, I do know that I'm a bit too old to be wearing braces, but there's really nothing I can do about it - it was now or never.
In the middle of this year I'll be getting a jaw surgery, as the smart men in white say it's not placed correctly. After I've healed from the surgery, these bright silver things will be off and I'll be jumping around everywhere flashing my big smile.

But for now, first things first: who can help me make braces fashionable? Karl? Marc?? Stella??? ANYONE?


  1. Beautiful photos. :)

  2. I wore braces for 3 years at high school - they are a pain at the time but trust me that the beautiful straight smile is worth it in the end!
    Good luck for your jaw surgery... sounds painful... I had all my wisdom teeth out last year which was the most agony I can remember being in! But as I said - the results made me wonder why I hadn't done it sooner!
    Good luck and flash that metal ;)

    1. Thank you so much for sharing, Ruth. It's always good to know, that there's something to look forward to :)
      And I hear you with the tooth aces - last year I also had two wisdom teeth removed plus 4 other teeth, simply because there wasn't enough space. I'm so happy to hear, that you had so good results! :)


  3. Haha sorry but the first thing I had to do when I saw those pictures was to laugh. But not because it looks ridiculous it was just because of the cool sunglasses you are wearing :) The pictures are pretty cool and I think you can live with the braces especially when it is less than a year. And better braces at a late age than wrong placed teeth for your whole life. So thumbs up and keep smiling (with showing your teeth.) XO Lilly

    1. Vielen Dank, Lilly! You are so right! :) xox, Mikaela

  4. The result is going to make it all worth it and I love your positive attitude about it. You look good!

  5. have you got braces?
    me too. ugh! i've got it for 2 years. And i must have it 6 months else.

    1. Good luck, Joanne! We'll just have to stick it out. x

  6. I had braces too, but not for very long. Now, I feel like my theeth moved a lot and I want to do it again, but I think I'm too old, but as you say 'it's now or never'. So I'm really hesitating to do it!


    1. I actually think more and more people get braces at a later age. I wasn't overly happy with my teeth and the professionals thought I should do it, so I just thought I'd do it now. If you decide to do it, let me know - I'm sure you'll rock the look! :) (I'm watching Ugly Betty, just to feel a little better). ;)

  7. Nu ved jeg ikke helt hvor gammel du er men jeg har også haft bøjle, og fik den først af da jeg var 18! men som du selv siger, det er bedre at det gjordt nu end aldrig, og er sikker på du bliver glad for resultatet :)

  8. don't worry, you look very pretty with braces and i don't think that you are too old for them,there are even some people who are 30 years old and they have them.

  9. I love these pictures! It's a nice way to start looking nice with braces :) It's gonna go fast I'm sure!

  10. I had them I loved mine.

    NRC ♥

  11. looks so cool on you!!! love those sunnies


  12. Du ser ud til at klare det med at gøre dem cool ret godt - det er i hvert fald nogle lækre billeder :)!

  13. Lidt metal fra eller til gør ingen forskel - du er stadig ualmindelig smuk.
    Just work it! ;-)

  14. Bare lige meget hvad, så ikke stop med at smil. :D
    Selvom det måske virker lidt overskridende at skulle vise at det frem i starten, så får du det meget bedre hvis du stadig husker at smile. For folk ligger ikke så meget mærke til det som dig selv. Og hvis du går undt og er bange for at folk skal se det, så ser de det. Så bare bliv ved med at være den du var, så formårer du selv at gøre din bøjle fashionable. :D
    Tro mig, har prøvet det selv.

  15. Synes de klæder dig utrolig godt!:) Både bøjlen og solbrillerne;) Hvor har du købt dem?:)

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