Thursday 29 March 2012

Easter Lunch at Star PR

Godt gammelt (eller forhåbentligt ikke gammelt...) dansk smørbrød. Jeg fik mig et med avocado, kål og kørvl (hvordan var det nu, man sagde det, Chau?) ;-)
Something for my sweet teeth. I couldn't help myself.
Easter Bunny came by with some shoes - not bad! Laura, Katarzyna and Simone.
Stylecrow in amazing spring colours. Thumbs up!
Chau's cool Isabel Marant boots.
Simone looking great in cat eye sunglasses!

I had a lovely day at Star PR, who invited me and other cool Danish bloggers for Easter lunch. We enjoyed ourselves over traditional Danish food and had a look at Deichmann's latest collaboration with Halle Berry. I will soon be getting a pair of them, so I'll make sure to keep you posted on the matter!

Havde en skøn dag med påskefrokost hos Star PR, hvor der var skønt gensyn og nye møder med masser af skønne danske bloggere. Vi hyggede os med smørbrød og cupcakes og tog et kig på Deichmanns seneste samarbejde med Halle Berry. Inden længe kan jeg vise jer, hvordan det ser ud. :-)

Lots of love,



  1. OH , how I would love to get my hands, or rather my mouth, on one of these delicious-looking miniature cupcakes :)

  2. i love your nails! all the girls are so pretty

  3. OMG I looove your Blog. Read about fashion and also learn danish :D perfect.

  4. These Isabel Marant boots are amazing! But I've heard that there is an international waiting list now..

  5. those cupcakes look suuuuper yummy!
    january, x

  6. Hey smukke,

    Tak for sidst! Så hyggeligt at møde dig!

    Det hedder "kørvel" ha ha...:-D fun.

    Super lækkert mad og de der cupcakes. De var da fantastiske. Må forbi Agnes en dag, hvis de er derfra. Så lækre.

    Måske vi ses igen snart. You have my number :-)
    Stop by my blog.



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