Friday, 1 June 2012

Distortion Outfit - Red and Blue

Shirt and Jacket: Vintage
Leggins: MbyM
Shoes: Reebok
Lips: Ruby Woo by MAC

I've always loved the combination of red and blue. In my first years of school, these two colors were the only acceptable choices for boys and girls to have as their favorite colour. It was implicit in the question: what's your favorite colour (blue or red). Girls had to say red of course, and when I one day decided to tell everyone the brutal truth; that I indeed preferred blue over red, everyone was stunned. Today I'm happy that I don't have to choose between two of such good colours, when they work so well together.

Lots of love,
Sarah Mikaela


  1. if I had to choose from these colours I would choose red, but hmmm I don't know, it's mad! choose from two colors, while there are plenty of others =D ;)
    and you look great of course;) =D

  2. You have great hair, I love the colour! So do you bleach it or is this how your hair naturally looks like?

  3. great lippy Sarah =) yup you look so pretty even in the basics!


    Style Hostess

  4. this outfit is so super perfect and your look super fabulous :)
    Just love that we both chose blue as our favourite colour :)
    can´t wait to see you again!

  5. Org sød historie egentlig, selvom den er meget hverdagsagtig. Eller kan i hvert fald godt nikke genkendende til den ;) Smilte i hvert fald over den da jeg læste den!
    Og JA, det passer jo vildt godt sammen, det er sit sæt da et bevis på, havde ikke tænkt over dén kombi før! :)
    Og hvor er du altså bare pæn at se på :)

  6. you are stunning! totally in love with your high-top sneakers!


  7. As always you look gorgeous! You are one of the most beautiful and sweetest girls I "know" :) Really. Lilly x

  8. The look of bright red against black and blue is stunning and very chic!


  9. I just viewed your blog and its looks great! I love the little details you put in your outfit to finish it;)Started blogging since a week now: :)

  10. what school is that, which makes you choose the color they want to be your favorite? :S
    and only 2 choices from all the hundreds of different shades that exist?
    that's crazy... good thing you one day stepped forward claiming blue was your thing..
    red lips look great on you.. my favorite colors are black and red..BUT I wear black daily.. and I save the red for special ocassions only.. some people say black isn't a color, it's actually a lack of color.. maybe I'm that kind of person that sees everything in black and white..
    cool blog, just found it.. stay cool

  11. that red lips are way too hot...I might need to visit Mac



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