Thursday, 7 June 2012

Louis Nielsen Event : Årets Brillelook 2012

Goodies are best when they contain chocolate. And these did.
No introduction necessary.
Line looking great in glasses!
I know I look a bit scary doing the crazy stare here. :-)
Photos: Me (Sarah Mikaela) and the last shot of me by Laura

This Tuesday I had the pleasure of attending the Louis Nielsen x Helena Christensen event at Hotel Skt. Petri, to hear more about the competition, Årets Brillelook (no easy way of translating this, but the closest I can get is frames look of the year). They will be looking for the guy / girl who looks the best with glasses until the 21st of June. Here they will have chosen some semifinalists whereof four of them will compete at the grande finale show during the Copenhagen Fashion Week in August.

The winner will receive a ticket to the nordic finale in London and might win a photo shoot with Helena Christensen as the photographer and a trip to Tanzania as the ambassador of Louis Nielsen's charity project to provide glasses to people in need.

Especially the last part of the prize really makes me want to support this. I think it's a lovely thing of Louis Nielsen and Helena Christensen to do. It was really nice attending this event and hearing more about it and last but not least meeting one of the biggest supermodels in the world, Helena Christensen. She was looking great and I was crazy about her multicolored nails! We had a chat about female vs. male photographers, and it was obvious, that she really knew what she was talking about.

If you have glasses and you simply look great with them (which you undoubtedly do!), you should check out the competition here!!

Lots of love,
Sarah Mikaela

Ooh! I made a film too!


  1. Hvor fint.. dejligt at møde dig. Hvordan laver du den fine tekst på dine billeder? Der ser da så fint ud :) Knus

  2. ... fik jeg egentlig nævnt at det var fint ;) haha

  3. omg this is so cool!! The photos you took are amazing too, so professional and beautiful.

  4. it sounds like really! nice project indeed;)=) and you look the best of all I must say;)=) I love the shape of your lips;)=)

  5. Du tager virkelig nogle helt fantastiske billeder! Hvilket objektiv bruger du? :)

  6. Charlotte Aagaard7 June 2012 at 21:21

    Wow, er lige faldet over din blog. Du er da smuk, og dine billeder ligeså! Hvad tager du dine billeder med?

  7. Hvor er det dog en FED blog du har dig, og holda op hvor er du køn..

    Tror da jeg vil følge dig lidt, håber du får lyst til også at besøge min beskedne blog. :)

  8. Wow nogle smukke billeder, det er helt vildt så dygtig (og smuk) du er! Hvad hedder de to skrifttyper på dine billeder, simpelthen så fint! :-)


  9. Er det bare mig - eller minder Helena Christensen utrolig meget om Cameron Dias?! Det var ihvertfald den første tanke, der strejfede mig, før jeg så navnet på billedet!

    1. Det har jeg slet ikke lagt mærke til før, men du har da helt ret! Ej hvor sjovt! :)

  10. hvilke to fonte har du brugt på billederne?

  11. Your photos are amazing i really need to learn editing from you


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