Tuesday, 20 November 2012


Yesterday I went to visit amazing designer Rikke Hubert at her private studio at home. There's just something about creative people, that instantly captivates you. Rikke is no exception.

She creates beautiful feminine clothes yet with enough edge to satisfy any woman of today. Going there to see the process that all of her collections must go through was simply inspiring. Everything from the collages, sketching and fabric samples to the clothes all seemed to have Rikke's stamp on it, which more or less is the true reason that we have designer's create our clothes and not tailors: it has the individuality and personality.

As you would might have predicted, yes yes, I did fall madly in love with several (if not all!) of the pieces that I saw yesterday. I can already reveal, that an amazing bomber jacket with a unique touch might appear next year, and if it does, you will see it on me the day it hits the stores.

 To quickly comment on the bottom two photos, this was a project called huberttrolle, that Rikke did in cooperation with singer Ane Trolle. They made tambourines with belonging bags - how fun is that!? My music and fashion passioned heart had a little girly twirl. As a detail to the bags, Rikke had gotten horse hair hair from Wisconsin. Quite good, eh?

It was a pleasure to shortly intrude at Rikke's place yesterday and I'm happy to be able to pass on a little insight on how she lives and works. A big thanks to Rikke for letting me snap photos around her place and for the 3 cups of coffee I slurped in me.



  1. lovin' her white wrap shirt ;--O

  2. You captured her studio so well.
    I love the cleanness and the cool undertone of your shots.
    Very inspiring.



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