Tuesday, 15 January 2013


Today I have quite an important message to get through. Something is happening tomorrow, something which is going to change me and the blog for a while. Tomorrow morning, I will have an operation that I have been waiting for for more than 8 years; a jaw adjusting surgery. Let me just quickly state so that there won't be any confusion: this is not a cosmetic surgery. When I was 12, dentists started to discover that my bite was getting worse and my overbite was increasing and this was not due to the position of my teeth. After being looked at by specialists, it was made clear that my bottom jaw wasn't aligning with the top jaw creating what has become an 11mm overbite in 2010.

They couldn't operate before the jaw had finished growing (2010, tadaa!), but due to the fact that I moved to Copenhagen and I had to transfer hospital, whereafter my journals got lost and I got sent back to the original hospital, the entire process has been postponed an extra 2 years, bringing us to today. All of the above is also the reason why I got braces at 18. I am currently on my way to Esbjerg Hospital to check myself in, and tomorrow it's showtime. The surgery will last around 5 hours and after that I'll be focusing all of my forces on the healing process and easing the swellings, which is a process that takes about 6 months. For 3 weeks afterwards, I'll only be able to get nutrition through liquids (good soup recipes are welcome!), and 8 weeks with no biting or chewing. Even though I've had ages to prepare for this day, it still seems incredibly daunting.

One question I have often been asked and that has constantly swirled in my mind with the operation getting closer was, what's going to happen with the blog. It is inevitable that it'll be different for a while. And I'm not sure how long, but I hope you will have understanding and patience with this new situation. Changes always seem to have me feeling both excited and terrified at the same time.

Trust me, I will keep creating content (maybe not in the first couple of weeks, where I'll be concentrating on re-learning how to even use my mouth) and luckily I have a few posts up my sleeve, which have yet to see the light of day on the blog (and are fairly recent, so no dusty posts, promise!). One thing is for sure, in no later than 6 months from now, I'll be good as new, jumping around and biting into crispy sandwiches without mercy!

Thank you for reading this. It means the world.



  1. I wish you all the best. XO

  2. Best of luck to you darling! I pray that everything goes well! And please don't worry too much about the blog! We, your followers will still be here ;) your health is the most important! I wish you a very speedy recovery Sarah! <3

    Also sweet potato and lentil soup is the best!!!

    XOXO Sade

  3. held og lykke med operationen!

  4. Jeg ønsker dig alt det bedste, og håber at operationen kommer til at gå godt. <3
    Du får også lige en opskrift med på vejen til verdens bedste grøntsags suppe. Lad dig ikke skræmme af navnet - den er genial!



  5. best of luck! hope everything goes well!


  6. Good luck! Ihope everything goes well!

    By the way, Superbrugsen has a very tasty selection of soups, the pumpkin soup is especially good. ;)

  7. Good luck! I hope it's going to be a good experience :)

  8. Good luck!
    We only want the best for you!

  9. Uuh det lyder omfattende!
    Håber det hele kommer til at gå godt, og god bedring! :)

  10. Hvis du får brug for indhold på bloggen, kan du jo spørge om nogle af læserne har lyst til at gæsteblogge :D

  11. Good luck! Wishing you all the best from Toronto! :)

  12. Oh that sounds hard! :/ But I wish you much power to get through this time so that you can return completely happy and healthy :) Everything will work fine, I'm sure ;)

    much love

  13. Rigtig meget held og lykke, Sarah! Håber, alt går, som det skal, og at du snart er "up and running" igen. Pas nu bare på dig selv, vi skal nok være her, når du kommer tilbage :-)

  14. wow sounds scary(painful and pretty boring cus only soup-food..) D--: hope it goes well!

  15. Sender gode tanker din vej, Sarah.

    Pøj pøj med det:-)

  16. good luck on the operation and a quick recovery!!

  17. Good luck! Don't worry too much about your blog, I think most of your readers will always come back and support you through hard times!
    And I'll look out for soup and smoothie recipes for you in the meantime ;) xxx

  18. Hey there! I really really love your blog! Wish you all the best and hope you will write more inspiring posts in your blog


  19. Good luck, I hope it is a swift procedure for you and take the time to rest for those six months! x

  20. Best of luck for tomorrow my dear, I wish you a very healthy recovery and of course we will still be here for when you are healthy enough to return to the blogging world :)

    Take care,

    Daniella xox

  21. Good luck babe, hope it all goes well!

    xo Camilla

    Into The Fold

  22. Good luck, I wish you a speedy and painless recovery! :) x

  23. good luck tomorrow and please please get well soon :) i will miss you

  24. Jeg ønsker dig al mulig held og lykke (det ville vist være upassende at skrive knæk og bræk her?!). Min veninde gennemgik noget lignende for et par år siden, og hun er SÅ glad for at hun fik det gjort, hun slap for en kronisk hovedpine, og nu har hun det smukkeste smil i verden. Selvom du allerede er fin og smuk, så bliver du sikkert endnu smukkere, når dette er klaret - bare lettelsen i sig selv kan gøre meget, tænker jeg.

    Tag du dig bare al den tid, du har brug for. Vi venter her.

  25. I wish you all the best and no worries, we're all going to be here waiting for you to get better <3 Don't take any extra stress about blog posts, concentrate on healing yourself!

    See you again soon!!

  26. good luck!! eat lots of soup and ice cream! :)

  27. I wish you all the best and a speedy recovery!
    Will miss you while you're getting better though.
    I hope it all works out!


  28. good luck!! hope everything is fine

    Join my first giveaway and win Thboxes accessories of your choice

  29. Stort held og lykke med operationen Sarah! Jeg håber virkelig det kommer til at gå godt.det er jo klart st det påvirker bloggen, men jeg skal hvert fald nok være tålmodig (: ønsker dig det bedste (:

  30. I sincerely hope everythings going to be alright! Can't wait for your next post!
    Hugs from sunny Istanbul

  31. i wish you LOTS of luck! get well soon after this!


  32. Aw Sarah, I hope that everything goes well. You're so beautiful and will still be (though I don't know how much this kind of surgery actually effects the look of the face?) - stay strong, and be happy that it's finally happening!


  33. Take your time to recover - lots of luck from me in Berlin to you!

  34. Held og lykke med det hele! :-)

  35. best of luck!!!


  36. Ej, hvor var det underligt for mig at læse dette indlæg, da jeg selv står i samme situation som dig. Jeg skal snart til at have bøjle på, hvor jeg så også om et års tid skal have lavet en kæbeoperation! Jeg frygter det lidt (egoistisk nok er det jo også lidt "hårdt" bare det at skulle have bøjlen på), men du har virkelig været en støtte for mig i troen på, at livet med bøjle slet ikke er så slemt, som det virker :-) Utroligt nok at finde ud af, at vi så faktisk skal igennem nogenlunde samme forløb. Måske lidt rart at vide, at man ikke er helt alene om det.
    Jeg ønsker dig al mulig god bedring - og håber på at kunne følge lidt med på sidelinjen!


  37. Held og lykke :-) det skal nok gå!

  38. you = perfect

    xo from NY

  39. the main thing is now that you get healthy and that you treat yourself to the best possible to get well soon. and when you are better, I and many other readers await your blog-entries. :) don't worry about the blog now, we'll still be there in 6 months to read it. ;-) I really like your blog, your style, your photos and herewith wish you all the best!

  40. I have the same thing! My lower jaw is far too much to the front, which is why my teeth are precisely on each other when I bite (whereas they the lower teeth would be slightly back with a normal bite). Normally, my upper teeth would be even behind my under teeth, but they turned a bit forward, as a natural way to compensate that. Anyway, my teeth all look quite normal, except for my two front teeth that look a bit crooked, because they're kind of "drifting" (if that makes sense), and when you look at my jaw from the side, it seems like it's more advanced than it should be. I won't get surgery though (for now), because my orthodontist says it's not really necessary, and it seems like a really heavy operation.

    Anyway, I wish you all the luck with your recovery, and I'm interested to hear more about how it's going. I hope this whole story didn't bore you, but it seems to me as if I'm finally not the only person in the world with this weird problem. :)


Thank you so much for taking your time to write a comment here. It's always exciting to hear what you think!