Thursday, 1 July 2010

Summer beauty.

Tiernan Cowling for Wildfox resort 2010 by Mark Hunter (the cobrasnake).
Wow, just found these photos at Wildfox and my oh my - aren't they just the best? What's even better is, that beautiful Tiernan Cowling's face is adorned with a great smile! I think she looks lovely. I'm especially crazy about the one with Superman! It's pure geniousness! (and yeees, I know it's not a word)...

I've started of the summer holiday by taking a trip down to Germany to my grandmother. She's such a star! In about a week I'll be going Prague and from there down to Italy. Blogging will become a little bit more difficult, not to say a lot! I'll try the best that I can, but there probably won't be any look posts for a while - I hope you'll hang around the blog anyway!

I hope the sun is shining where you are, and that you're having a fantastic summer! (And for the Aussies - having a great autumn) ;)

xx, Mikaela


  1. im from melbourne, Australia.
    actually we are having winter right now ;D

  2. this is just fantastic!!! i love how happy those photos are, xx

  3. I love those black black brows..

    Mysterious G.,

  4. These are great pictures.
    Eat, Sleep, Denim <3

  5. Have fun on your adventures!!! :) And I love the superman photo!!

    <3 Kelly

  6. awesome pictures... loved them!
    this is a great summer inspiration

  7. She just shines ... these pics are beautiful!


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