Tuesday, 22 February 2011

The Round Sunnies Post

Costume national showed their round sunnies off (drool).
sources: various tumblrs, tfs and some unknown.

Oh my, oh my, oh my - now is the time for me to get a pair of those round sunnies! But which and wherefrom is the question I keep asking myself about. Does anyone know where to purchase those Costume National sunglasses? I'm sure I'd look goofy with them on, but it's worth a try. My ideal for a round pair of sunnies would definitely be those glamourous Paris Chanel glasses adorning MK's face. I wish they where still on the market.
I just bought a new camera; a Canon Eos 7d! I'm really excited and I can't wait to get started with work for the blog! Unfortunately my (humongous) memory card hasn't arrived yet, but soon to come, lovies, soon to come! :) Hope you're happy and well!

Åh, i min længsel mod forår og sommer flyver tankerne hen på fine solbriller, og i år skal de være runde for alle pengene! Dog har jeg endnu ikke fundet de helt perfekte, men min søgen vil fortsætte utrætteligt :)
Jeg har lige købt mig et Canon Eos 7d; glæder mig utroligt meget til at vise jer noget af dét kameraet kan frembringe her på bloggen - er sikker på at det nok skal blive godt. Jeg skal i hvert fald gøre mit bedste! :)




  1. I love all the round sunnies in the pictures, can´t pick one. I had a pair similar to Mary Kate`s but i broke them accidentaly. I still have a pair of round oversized aviators but even when i love them, is not the same.
    Am looking a pair similar to the second picture glasses. ( I save every single picture, love)


  2. Har SÅ meget brug for runde solbriller!

  3. I need round sunglasses. Asap.

  4. Åh, jeg er også blevet helt vild med den slags solbriller;)
    Glæder mig til at se hvad dit nye kamera kan ;)
    Og glæder mig også sååh meget til sommer :D

  5. Love every foto*


  6. Some people look soooo good in these. I however, am not one of them:(
    GReat pics!
    Aesthetic Lounge

  7. Elsker hvert et billede!
    Jeg er også på jagt efter et par runde - Se evt. BikBok's hjemmeside, de har et rigtig fedt par (dog ikke chanel ;) men fede, det er de.)


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