Monday, 26 September 2011

Garden Romantic

Hi lovelies,

First of all I barely ever express how grateful I am to have you following! I'm deeply honored that you share the interest in my blog and some of you take the time to comment - it means the world to me! This photo stream has been a project of mine for a while now. The photos were taken in the beginning of September, where the weather was surprisingly wonderful (to us Danes' luck it has repeated it's success). I felt very inspired by romantic fashion bloggers such as Miss Annie and cocorosa and wanted to try out myself. I don't know if I at all succeeded, but it sure was fun!

Kæreste læsere,

Det er så sjældent, jeg ordentligt får udtrykt, hvor taknemmelig jeg er, for at I følger mig! Jeg er dybt beæret over, at I deler interessen om min blog og nogle af jer tager tid til at skrive en kommentar - alt er dybt værdsat herfra! Disse billeder har været lidt længe undervejs - de blev taget i begyndelsen af september, hvor vejret var utroligt mildt og sommerligt en dag. Jeg blev inspireret af bloggere, der har et mere romantisk præg på deres billeder. Jeg ved ikke om det helt lykkedes, men det var i hvert fald sjovt!

Lots of love,



  1. I think you definately have succeeded - beautiful work!!!

  2. Elsker det første billede!
    Jeg siger tak i lige måde, fordi du giver dig tid til at inspirere mig (:

  3. Elsker din blog! Din stil inspirerer mig virkelig, og har selv lige startet en blog :) den hedder:

  4. its beautiful, what you have done here with the pictures and everything.
    come follow my blog enter my giveaway

  5. Beautiful pictures!!

    I love your blog :)

    xx Michaela

  6. wonderful! love the last two ones :)

  7. Super fed idé til et photoshoot, hvis bare vejret var til det på denne tid her i DK (:

  8. oh my gooooooooooooood , I´m feeling kind of honored to be mentioned on one of my favorite blogs!!!! and hell yeah , these shots are beyond romantic and amazing as well!!!! Lots of love from Germany ;)

  9. Omg this took my breath away. I love how much effort you've put into this amazing post. It's beautiful it should be in a magazine

  10. Oh God. You're beautiful as hell!! Hurts my eyes! Loveeee

  11. amazin post and blog

    great style u ve got

    kiss rouli


  12. i wrote sth. about your blog ;)



  13. God, these photos are so beautiful and delicate, they make me dreamy ...


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